May 6, 2014

Nat face planted! D:

I was just taking photos of Nat modelling some jewelry I made but he suddenly went smack, straight to the ground. I pick him up and the front of his nose was flattened D: And MSC chipped off.

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Gah. The most obvious was from the upnose shot. I couldn't stand looking at his nose flattened, so I went to boil some water and steam his face, hoping to un-dent whatever I could, since there wasn't any cracking. That worked pretty well (but I was so scared it wouldn't D:). I basically just held his head as close to the pot of boiling water as I could stand (I don't take heat from steam very well ><) and took him up to check the progress every now and then.

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This is from just holding his head over boiling water (over, not in, because I wanted to keep the faceup as much as I could). I figured it's enough shape back and I just needed to sand the rough edges off, since even steam couldn't undent everything. It might have been better if I dipped his nose into hot water, but I didn't want to/dare to so yeah. I sanded his nose a bit and he now looks like this:

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It's not too bad, just a different shape tip from before he faceplanted:
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(^Yea, that's one of the photos from before he face planted :/)

So on one hand, I've solved as much of the damage from faceplanting as I could by steaming and sanding, but steaming also made his faceup matt (his lips are wayyy less glossy now) and I need MSC (which I DON'T have right now, sobs) to go over his nose. I'm really lucky that this is all the damage, and that Nat's faceup isn't that thick that msc chipping off caused a lot of issues either. But I do need to get MSC and I don't know what to use to make his lips as glossy as before, cos my Winsor and Newton gloss doesn't get that glossy even after 2 layers.


  1. Hi, whether you could for me fly some pretty flesh, 60-70 high centimetres or higher for the Migidoll NS head? So that it isn't too expensive but also not too cheap, I thought about the flesh from Fdoll, are 70 tape measures cool, or high from Fdoll so that it fits the head? You could recommend me something so that it fits the flesh with colour to the head;) here are both kinds of resin fitting together?

    1. Hey, I'm sorry, I don't completely understand what you're asking for? Are you asking what 60-70cm body I would recommand for a migidoll head that matches in NS?
