January 16, 2016

This isn't fully thought out, but I was thinking about fake/recast dolls, and how the Blythe community has a different take (in general) on fakes compared to the BJD community.

For BJDs, I am anti-recast, and I thought that when I wanted to get into Blythes, I should maintain that stance. Because after all, why would this stance change from hobby to hobby? That would be hypocritical. So for a while, I considered Blythes, but kept away from buying them because I didn't want to get into another hobby when I considered the TakaraTomy ones expensive, and I would rather spend on my BJDs anyway. I researched a bunch on Factory dolls and Taobao Blythes (coined TBLs though that's not an official term), and realised they're the BJD equivalent of recasts. Well, not exactly the same, since factory Blythes are supposed rejected/discarded parts from real Blythes, but for them to have such a consistent supply of Factory Blythes makes me question if they are indeed rejected parts. When in doubt, I don't buy, so I've just been steering clear of anything other than official Takara Blythes.

I had discussed this with my boyfriend when I first found out about factory Blythes and TBLs, and was lucky that when he got me a present, he bought an official Blythe, knowing my stance on fake dolls. In a sense, I think if he didn't buy my a Blythe, I wouldn't have gotten myself one first. (Although right now I do think it'll be fun to buy some more Blythes, I want to get my BJDs their bodies and stuff first, so no new Blythes, just clothes for my current one).

Also, I have been a bit wary/uncomfortable with following Blythe owners and artists. Because they're not as firmly against recast/fakes as a whole, and because some customisers prefer buying factory Blythes to customise, it's hard to tell which dolls are real, and which are fake. And I don't know. I'm not going to harass anyone, or even, really, tell them that their dolls are fake if they are not aware of it. I just don't see myself having enough tact for it to come across as being concerned/to inform them, and I think it will not be terribly polite. I've mostly just been ignoring the fake ones I do come across. But, I feel like that's also not the right thing to do? Like, it makes me uncomfortable. I don't know. I'm not sure what the answer is for this, if there is one, but ugh, fakes are annoying me in the hobby. And yet, I don't think it's right either, to just be pointing it out to their owners. And like what about those people who are anti-recast but okay with fake blythes? Should I still follow them? I feel torn about this.

I mean with doll friends in real life, when they do bring up fakes, I would just say it's not worth it to buy them (most of the time the intention is to practice), because there's plenty of good alternatives. Want to practice modding or faceups? There's practice heads from Doll Family. And right now Unoa faceplates on the second hand market are being sold for around 30-50USD, which is a pretty good price. If you find yellowed/damaged ones, it's even cheaper. So, really, there's no need to get recasts or fake blythes to practice...? And most of the time they just mention it in passing, so I don't really have to worry about them getting fakes. But with online communities, I don't know what's the boundary and if I should just close the page and mind my own business. (Which I know is not entirely right either.)


  1. Thanks for writing this! Recently I've noticed a lot of BJD owners have been bitten by the Blythe craze. Specifically the 'factory' Blythe craze. It's strange to me since many of these doll owners have blatantly stated they would never knowingly purchase a recast BJD. I feel like I'm not seeing what they're seeing. Like how is one accepted when the other is not? The whole engima of factory Blythes and how the rejected parts are smuggled out of the factories sounds believable but to the extent that factory Blythes are so widely available? So I'm with you there as well. Seems very fishy. For me, I think I'll avoid buying both legitimate and factory (and fake) Blythes. I can follow my friends and their factory Blythes but I feel as long as I don't fund them in any way, then I'm not supporting the sales of those type of dolls. Again thank you for writing this

    1. Thank you for your comment! I didn't think my rant to sort out my thoughts might be that interesting, haha. Well, yea, I think there's a few BJD owners who are starting to get into Blythes, and I don't get why they can be alright with factory blythes when they are (usually) against buying recasts themselves. While I think not supporting the sales of any fake dolls is a good thing, I personally don't know if it's a good thing to follow people who do use fake dolls, but have very admirable customization skills. As of now, I am doing what you are, which is to follow them online... though whether I might go ahead and unfollow them eventually I am not sure. :/

      Also, I was thinking, maybe for BJD owners who are used to customisation, factory blythes sound like a good equivalent of a "blank" doll (no expensive company faceup/clothing)... I think it might be common for people to not realise that factory dolls might be fake. I saw a box opening of a factory doll and they have boxes which say something thank you for buying/adopting/choosing me (I forgot the exact phrase). That to me seems to make the factory Blythes thing even fishier... I mean it makes it seem like factory blythes are from a legitimate company. And it is weird how it is more similar to how BJDs are shipped/packaged, rather than the Takara Blythes themselves. Don't know if there's any relation to that and the BJD owners buying blythes thing though.
