December 31, 2015

Blythe learning curve

So I got a Blythe for a gift this birthday. I took a box opening video which I've not edited, but posted a bunch of customising-in-progress photo over on instagram, so I thought I'll do an update here as well.

Here's the girl in her stock outfit (minus the apron). She's a Neo Blythe, Dark Rabbit Hole. An RBL+ mold.

And I wanted to customise her so I took her apart, which required more effort than I thought. I also had to go out to buy a new screwdriver because none of the ones at home were small enough. The eye mechanism is scarily difficult to remove. I was super scared of scratching something. :/ Got her out fine though. (Putting her back would be another challenge...)

Her first layer of faceup. I sanded her face matt and carved her nose and lips a bit before the faceup. With just an exacto knife, it was a bit difficult to get anything too deep, so her nostrils aren't as deep as most customisers do them. I did managed to carve some tiny tiny teeth in her mouth, which I'm pretty proud of, although it's not visible from this angle.

And holding the faceplate with the scalp and eyes (without eyelids) to see how she might look like.

This is the latest photo, or basically how she looks like right now, waiting for good enough weather to seal her.

Blythes are pretty fun to play with, if only they're not so hard to unassemble. I also went and bought metallic paints and ordered some blank eye chips to paint her new eyes. I do kind of like the stock eyes, although I think it'll be fun to have some new ones. We'll see. I'm pretty happy with how she looks (faceup skills from bjds are transferable to Blythes after all) but the other blythe specific stuff like putting her back together, changing her eyechips, changing her body (I'm thinking of getting her a Pure Neemo one) etc are still pretty daunting/challenging. I think I'll just slowly get to it.

Hopefully I will get around to editing the video and upload it, haha.

December 24, 2015

The twins' faceups

I redid Sion and Hew's faceups at the start of December but was lazy to take photos. Haha. Well, I think my linework got a bit better although it is still shaky at some parts. I also decided to make Hew less angsty than before.

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And another one of Hew looking warm and snuggly.
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