June 27, 2012



Some things about dolls I learn from owning them, others I learnt from other doll owners. Dennis now uses those rubber wristbands meant for humans on his head to hold his furwig, after I saw Shunyuki and Ching Yan do that. It holds Sunny World's wigs there, which is a major feat. SW wigs are the loosest furwigs I have, seriously. Most of my furwigs aren't very loose, but having this rubber thing on it helps a lot. And best thing? It doesn't stain (or hasn't, so far). I kind of cheat by putting it on the headcap so any staining would be there, and not on his faceup. Haha.


  1. that is definitely an idea! i'll have to remember this for when my new girl gets here. :) very cool.

    1. Yes, I found it a really great way to use those wristbands I have lying around. And I think it's better than Velcro, at least, for furwigs :)

  2. Ohh I should try this too... Furr wigs are so damn annoying if you are not having a silicone cap; they roll around and with the style Satoru for example has it should stay still and be all pretty hahaha...

    But yeah. Gotta try this!
