June 20, 2012

I really should stop browsing DoA marketplace when I don't have money. Or rather, when I don't have money to buy anything if I want to get Hew a body before his head yellows too much or something (I keep him in a drawer, but you never know, I guess?) to match Little Monica. Always tempted when I see Esthy's Peroth or Volks Amelia or Olivia Morgan.

Anyway, I guess it's easy to want quite a lot of dolls. Gah. As it is, my wishlist is pretty short, especially compared to when I just got into the hobby. The ones who are currently on the wishlist:

-Zaoll Muse/luv (Alfie)
-Zaoll Muse boy (Jack) *
-Elfdoll Vivian (Tiyana)
-Volks Olivia boy/Amelia boy/F-38 (Caillen)
-Migi Cho? (Frederica aka Freddy)
-Volks Amelia boy/Heath (??) *

The * means the characters are from another storyline. Hmmmm. Some alternate Universe totally different from the story I have for most of my characters in doll form. It's kind of new, this er, storyline, so it only has 2 characters so far, and I've no even named the main character although I've drawn him a few times. Haha. Didn't even noticed he doesn't have a name until just now...=_=

The characters/dolls I have/waiting for:
-Gabriel aka Gabby (CP dreaming Lishe boy)
-Dennis (SDF Bliss)
-Nathaniel aka Nat (Migi Jina)
-Hew (Migi Miho)
-Sion (Migi Miho)
-Ezekiel aka Zeke (Leeke Khal)
-Kristolf (Leeke Mihael)

...There's disproportionately more guys than girls.

I realise there's a lot of characters that no one but me knows anything about. Maybe I should actually try to write their story sometimes.

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