June 8, 2012

Today I scrubbed Nat's faceup off and sent him off for a new faceup. I forgot how difficult it is to remove faceups properly. I think part of the reason is cos I am using 70% isopropyl alcohol, so it's not very strong, and takes a lot of effort. :/ Anyway, after a lot of scrubbing, and prodding with a wooden toothpick at the crevices, I got Nat about as clean as I could:


He has this faint eyebrow mark on his left (our right), which cats10 very nicely offered to do some cleaning when he reaches her to see if it'll lighten. I'm hoping it will, but anyway, I think the new faceup will cover it up.

While doing all this, I'm reminded of why I love Migidoll heads. They're so nicely sculpted and I like to look at them with faceup and blank, haha. >_< I was looking at how his face gives nice shadows hehe. Yeah, maybe that was also partly why I took so long to finish removing the faceup.

On a random note, I'm starting to think Volks Heath looks good, when I used to think he has lips that aren't wide enough for the head. Anyway, it's not like I have the money to get anything new, and even if I did, doll clothes (and bodies for the floating heads) take priority. Argh, I find it so hard to find suitable clothes for them. Okay, suitable clothes that aren't SUPER expensive, especially after you count shipping in.

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