May 2, 2014

Digital Mockups

 photo photoshoptorea_zps25ed7f3a.jpg

Ignore the ugliness of the bad collage, lol. But I was commenting on doa's thread about digital mock ups for faceup and I remembered that I did a mock up for body proportions instead. Cos Akagidoll is too new for people to have tried the combination I wanted, so I went ahead to do a digital one instead. It wasn't too far off from what I got in the end :)

What I did (left to right):
1. Take a full body shot of the Zeke, so I can use the shoulders of the body in the photo to rescale the new one. He's borrowing a Little Monica body in this one, with shoulders of 14cm width and about 63cm tall overall. I also had to find a photo of him with a wig afterwards cos I realise his wig makes a big difference for proportions lol. And I rescaled this wigged head to the same size as the full body photo (just set the wigged shot on 50% opacity etc, and try to line up the features lol).
2. Found a photo in a similar view (front shot duh, haha) from Akagidoll's website.
3. I used photoshop's line tool to measure how long the shoulders of the Little Monica body was (in whatever size my photo is), divide that by the actual size (14cm) and multiply that by the size of Akagidoll's shoulder size (13.5cm). Then I drew a new line with that dimension, and resize the original Akagidoll company photo. To check that I wasn't too far off, I did the same math as above but for the measurements of arms and legs using Akagi's measurements. Seems about right, so I thought, I'll just go order this Akagidoll body!
4 and 5. Just comparing what I got digitally in the mockup to what I had in real life.

I did a faceup one before too, but it's in my old computer so I don't have the photo, haha. It's just Sion's faceup, basically, before I did it for the first time. I did a couple more mockup of body proportions too. Cos it's not always easy to find someone who'll have photos of the body/head swaps I'm looking for, and mostly cos it's faster to quickly gauge if it'll even be okay.

Leeke Mihael head (Kristolf) and Granado Nuevo body
 photo mihaelandbodiesphotoshoppedover_zps14cce52c.jpg

Esthy Peroth (Joe) and Dollzone 65cm body
 photo dollzonebodyproportionswithperothhead_zps8474fb50.jpg

I just did the dollzone one cos the 2nd hand market has it for sale, and I was like, hmm, I wonder if it's a good body for Joe...might be okay, I suppose, but resin match in real life would be bad. Cos dollzone resin is quite dark, even if it's the normal pink, and nobility's is quite light. So yeah, blehh.

Clearly the mockups don't tell you anything about resin match (I digitally change the photo's colour so I can a better sense of proportion without having to see weirdly mismatched bodies and head) or about head movement etc, but hey, it's just a tool for me to test body proportions. I usually do a lot of research before I even buy a body anyway, so the mockup is just to add on to my research, more than anything.

Hybrid woes, lol. Actually, not really, sometimes it's fun, especially when you find a good hybrid. :D

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