May 1, 2014

Tight pants for Nobility Emotional body - finally!

The skinniest male doll body I have at home is the Nobility Emotional body, and it's really hard to find pants that are tight on him. And it's funny cos Nat loves skinny jeans. But yeah, even the Sadol delf sized ones I have are okay in the legs but leave this gap at the back of his butt. The 4D cypress ones are nice and tight on the legs but the waist is so loose, I can pull it off without unbuttoning. -.-

So the other day I was putting Tiyana in this pair of SD16 girl pants that came with a Greentime outfit set, and her legs were way too short for the pants, and it looks like she's in baggy pants, lol. So I tried that pair on Nat today, and woohoo, pants that are tight and actually fit his bum! Excuse how blurry the photos are. I wasn't paying attention to the sharpness as much as trying to fit the pants in one shot. Haha. While holding Nat's shirt up and using a 50mm lens (i.e. it's hard).

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But look at that last shot. The pants fit his butt!

Also, the pants are fake leathery material so maybe it stretches a bit, I'm not sure. I might buy more SD16 pants to try if there's any nice ones I see, but for now this's all I have. Also, I thought the pants were black from Greentime's photos, but nope, they're a dark navy blue. Looks blackish in photos though, haha.


Also, I ordered Kristolf's body. I caved and used my debit card to the remaining I didn't have in my paypal. AHHHH WELLL.

And I was trying the acrylic dye on a wig just now but I'm trying something fancy (about 5 colours) so I'm only done with like 1.5 colour. I stopped halfway on the 2nd colour when the paint on my palette finished, cos it took much longer than I thought to dye, and even then it's still streaky. I don't know. I'm going to continue another day.

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