Here's an insane thought: what if I reshell Caillen as a Volks Olivia?
Here's why it's insane:
1. I have a Volks Olivia as a girl aka Freddie.
2. Freddie, Caillen and Zeke are in a polyamorous relationship. Which means if Caillen is a Volks Olivia boy, and Freddie is a Volks Olivia girl, I don't know how close to each other they might still look. Which bothers me.
Here's why I'm even considering it (not to mention I'm broke, at a time when I see a good deal for an Olivia):
1. I wanted Caillen to be a Volks Olivia boy way before I considered Freddie as a Volks Olivia girl. (Back then she was supposed to be a Migidoll Cho, but now I don't think that sculpt fits her. I like her as an Olivia girl, hands down.)
2. I still think the smirk of Olivia would suit Caillen really well.
3. I just really like the sculpt? I guess? (Oh no.)
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