September 9, 2016

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Dawn to dusk or dusk to dawn, depending on whether you see the photos from top to bottom or bottom to top. Anyway, Dennis has his body back, after lending it to Freddie for months... I dressed him in something different, and made him 2 necklaces and a bracelet that you can't see because his sleeves are too long. SD13 dolls wearing SD17 tops are my current aesthetics for their dressing, lol. But anyway I just realized you can't see those either. I should have taken more full body photos instead. Ah well.

And speaking of Freddie, I did an OC tag on instagram for Freddie, which I realize I never posted here, so here it is:

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I don't think I write about my characters much nowadays. Half of it is because I find some of their stories a bit ...juvenile, like it's pretty obvious I wrote it when I was a teen, and I've not gotten around to reworking it. The other reason is just that I'm lazy, and I spend my free time playing with dolls without caring about their characters (pretty pretty things) or writing fanfic for other stuff so... But they do have some character/characteristics that's related to their stories, so this is Freddie's. She's actually a cute little girl on the inside, lol. Nah, not totally, but she has her girly points. And she's also in a poly relationship with Caillen and Zeke. Those two had a bunch of issues before, with Caillen taking a long time to come to terms with the fact that he's not straight, but yeah, they grew up, matured, got over that. I'm not making it sound very interesting, I think, but I don't know, I always feel a bit lame typing their stories. Which is weird, considering I do write fanfics, and I did write a poly fic once. But well. My OCs are my babies which I don't want to show the world, ahhahaa (or something like that). Ignore my rambling. Just scroll back and enjoy the pretty pictures of Dennis, yeah?

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