I'm almost done with
Caillen Benja's faceup. Made quite a bit of mistakes but oh well, not all that noticeable I guess. Decided to make my Peroth Benja instead of Caillen cos Caillen isn't supposed to be sullen.
And because he's from Jack's universe, the one which I've not really figured out completely, here's the basic but incomplete backstory.
Benja is of a race that can "foresee" the future, except he doesn't see definite outcomes, just possibilities. His race has eyes that start off as black from a young age, which then turns brown and eventually gold when they reach their peak of their oracle abilities. Benja however doesn't know about all of this, because he was an orphan (there's a reason for that, but I'm still figuring out the details), but anyway he gets adopted by this woman (I need to think of a name for her) who also has a son, Andrew (Andy). The woman is a scientist specialising in cloning, except clones aren't legal anymore. Anyway, she forcibly had both Andy and Benja knocked out and proceeds to swap one of their eyes (their left) in hopes of giving her son the oracle abilities of Benja's race (she figures if the eyes are what changes colour when they mature, and if Benja can see his visions even with his eyes closed or blindfolded, the ability lies within the eyes). Her little experiment is successful, though Andy never told her so. At the same time, Benja gets some control over his powers, be it due to his maturity or due to the eye operation, he'll never know.
First time making a sci-fi/fantasy sort of universe and it's quite interesting, because there's a lot of rules of reality that can be ignored. :D
Oh yeah. I need to stick his piercings on.