January 10, 2014

Akagi 66cm body with Nobility rerelease Peroth and Migi Cynical Ryu heads

I don't think I would be switch heads onto the Akagi body any time soon because it took me so much pulling to get Zeke's head back on after I took this photos... >_> (Maybe I shouldn't use twine to help me pull the S hook >_<)

But anyway, here's some proportions and resin comparison.
Body: Akagidoll 66cm boy body (NS, 2014)
Heads: Nobility rerelease Peroth (NS, 2013), Migidoll Cynical Ryu with nose mod (NS-B, 2013)

Peroth head first. These bunch of photos are for proportions, the resin match ones (more accurate on my screen) will come later :) I kind of only had the head on the body without pulling the S hook on properly because my hands would have died...so I don't know about head mobility and such.
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He looks quite good actually.

And with a wig. Definitely do-able for proportions.
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Just a closer photo of head to shoulders proportion.
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Okay, now for resin match. My Peroth is blushed with a lot of pinks, so he seems to match, but the actual Nobility resin doesn't really. You can see it in the photo below. The back of his head is clearly paler, and he is also a tinge yellower than Akagi NS, but as I said, my Peroth has A LOT of blushing (mostly in pink and brown tones), so he looks okay on the Akagi body.
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Just to show that my Peroth looks rather okay on the body because of his blushing, but there are areas on his face with less blush (Oh really? Is there? Trust me there is, like the shiny part of his nose bridge) that can be seen to be paler.
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So my conclusion is, it's definitely a good body proportion wise, but resin match wise Peroth would need quite a bit of blushing to match the Akagi body. Too bad I need my Peroth on a shorter body...

Next is my Migidoll Cynical Ryu. His nose is modded but that shouldn't affect things too much. Anyway, I thought he looks good on the body too. Definitely nice proportions.
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And a wig. Not his usual lol, cos I was lazy to get that from my room.
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And for resin comparison, I think the 2 are quite close in real life, but Migi NS-B is a tinge yellower. I don't really see that in real life though it might also be because he has a faceup.
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Because his neck does appear a bit yellower and uhh, slightly greyer? But I don't think it's too big an issue especially with a normal faceup that has reds/pinks/beige in it.
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And I do like how he looks on it. It's a close enough match :)
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So yay, the Migidoll NS-B works too.

Hope that helps someone decide on their hybrids.

[edit: here's the headcap comparison from my box opening, where you can see all the resin mentioned together, plus Leeke.
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