July 11, 2015

It's been a while since I did something relating to their backstories, so I tried to get this scene in photos.

This is one of the first few scenes I have when I started thinking about Gabby's backstory. Gabby is the kind of person who would try to stand up for justice, which is why he tried to defend Dennis when Dennis was made fun of by Sion. He didn't realise it'll bring him trouble with Sion, who, at this point in the story is 17 and a teen, and bullies others for fun. (Yes, Sion isn't terribly mature at this point.) So here he's threatened by Sion to not interfere or he'll make Gabby's life in school tedious (trip him up, spread rumors, get others to isolate him), and Gabby is standing up against that. That kiddo has an unwavering sense of what's right and wrong, huh. Even when it harms him. Slightly naive, perhaps, but an admirable quality.

 Of course, this just makes Sion madder.

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As some might know, Gabby and Sion are a couple in my story, but not really, at the point of the story I was depicting in the photostory above. Despite that, I kept thinking, this is awfully like a kabe-don scene. Haha.

And here's a photo of them just leaning on each other. I like Gabby's sleepy face here. And Sion looks thoughtful instead of menacing. Which is more of how he feels when/now that he is more grown up, even as a character in my head.

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