So after waiting for more than a week to find that the salesperson FORGOT about the lens I ordered from Challenger (he got transfered to another branch, and never bothered telling the rest that someone ordered a 50mm lens. D<), I finally got the NIKKOR 50mm 1.8G lens. I did watch some tutorials about the lens, and on doa, where people advised against using the lens at its lowest f-stop (f1.8), but you know, me being me, I had to try.
When I got the lens, it was at night, and I took Sion out for some random try shots. He got new jeans, by the way, bought from Izam. Baggy jeans. I think I have some phase between skinny jeans and baggy jeans for my dolls, haha. But I like how the jeans are distressed nicely, and that it's a light colour. Okay, anyway, the shot below was done with f1.8. You can't tell, cos it's small and resized now, but it's not very clear/in focused. Which is precisely why people advised against using f1.8. I'm using f2.2- f2.8 for now. Going to see how it'll work out.
And this morning, I took some overdue shots for the piece I made like, last week. I'm lazy like that. :/
I had Gabby wear Nat's wig for fun, since Nat's not around. Gabby looks pretty pretty, haha. And his head is big, cos Nat's wig (8-9inch) can't sit properly on his head. You can tell by how short the fringe is, compared to when it's on Nat. Oh yes, Nat arrived in Canada with cats10 already. :D Can't wait to see how his faceup will be.
And I didn't notice it until now, but the shot below has Gabby at the same angle as the one above. -_- Well, at least Gabby is more like himself in the shot below.
Anyway, I think I rambled in this post, cos it's hard to construct proper paragraphs around photos. (< Nah, that's just an excuse, I always ramble)